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Being strong doesn’t mean never having been broken, perhaps it’s the courage to find strength in those broken places.
Helping Individuals, Therapists, Communities & Organizations
Stay Connected, Feel Supported & Break Free of Limitations
Leading expert with nearly four decades of experience helping people deal with issues around addiction, trauma and the difficulties of life.

After nearly four decades of private clinical practice, working with adolescents and adults in individual, group, couples, and family therapy, I am now expanding my practice beyond direct clinical services. Although I maintain a clinical caseload, some of my energy is now shifting to offering a wider range of services for clinicians and non-clinicians. I am interested in sharing different kinds of support that are available to people who are curious to learn more options for dealing with life's challenges.
One of the many blessings of being in this field is the requirement of on-going learning and education. As a result, I enjoy staying informed about state-of-the-art interventions to use in my work clinically, as well as with businesses, organizations, and global communities who have invited me to help their teams improve communication skills and work more harmoniously together.
I look forward to continuing to present events, training and offerings for diverse audiences, and all those interested in learning how nervous system awareness can bring growth & evolution to all aspects of life, in both our personal and professional lives.
I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC), certified in Alcohol and Other Drug Addiction. My qualifications include completion of the three-year training in Somatic Experiencing, as well as being a master's level NLP practitioner. I have deep and extensive experience in helping individuals and their families navigate the oftentimes tough terrain of addiction. I work from a Family Systems theoretical orientation and am Polyvagal-Informed, meaning I work with a nervous-system lens to prioritize a sense of safety with my clients.
I believe many disorders are based in a dysregulated ANS (autonomic nervous system). Once we understand the difference between a regulated nervous system and a dysregulated nervous system, healing and recovery can happen at a deeper, more sustainable level. That is the goal.
Over many years of clinical practice and training others, I have been delighted to develop my approach further, so it can be applied in non-clinical environments for those individuals and communities simply wanting to improve their lives, at home, in the workplace and in everyday life.
As both a Polyvagal-Informed therapist and leading expert in the treatment of addiction and trauma, I have been privileged to be at the cutting edge of the movement to bring a nervous system lens and embodiment lens to clinical work. Having worked extensively with Deb Dana over the years, it is clear that Polyvagal Theory is a science of safety. This shift in perspectives and departure from strictly talk therapy has allowed me to facilitate truly trauma-informed work, especially in some of life’s most challenging situations.
In addition to my direct clinical work, I have facilitated clinical trainings throughout the United States on topics ranging from understanding Addictive Disorders, Sexual Abuse and Trauma, Clergy Sex Abuse, Grief and Loss, Problem Gambling, Family of Origin (Family Systems), Children of Alcoholics, and understanding Polyvagal Theory.
I also find it rewarding to offer guidance and resources for those looking for more general strategies to cope with common life challenges we face in today’s world, using a Polyvagal/nervous system perspective. It is an honor to be trusted by so many who are feeling vulnerable and in need of supportive direction.
I have delivered keynote addresses at various academic and industry conferences. I have also presented at universities, been interviewed on podcasts and developed in-depth expert training for specialist institutions, such as The New England School of Addiction Studies - events which bring the field’s leading experts together. I also develop and facilitate presentations for executives, corporations and consult as needed.
I am delighted to offer clinical supervision for therapists and practitioners who want guidance and/or would like to bring a Polyvagal lens to their work.
I look forward to announcing some very special forthcoming collaborative projects which aim to make this valuable knowledge accessible and understandable beyond the clinical arena; bringing it into homes, businesses, academic institutions, and global communities to further deepen the understanding of safety, kindness, and care in these difficult times. All in the service of helping us thrive!

With a deep appreciation for all that I have learned both from professionals and the individuals I have been honored to work with over the decades, I am excited to give back with various offerings including clinical supervision, courses, webinars and free resources. With these offerings, I want to support you in the process of finding your authentic self (whether it is addiction, trauma, or any other form of dysregulation that keeps you from it). I invite you to take risks, to step inside yourself and to ultimately break free of the limitations of your history or any narratives that keep you stuck in limiting ways.
With sensitivity and compassion, I strive to help you find solutions to a wide range of life’s challenges by honoring your story and to help you to no longer be in the great gift of life with hesitation, fear, ambivalence, or reservation, but instead to live life with purpose and passion. I would be honored to walk with you on your journey.